The derivation of the Black-Scholes-Merton formula is very clearly organized in section 4.5 of Shreve’s Stochastic Calculus for Finance II Continuous-Time Models. It is the most intuitive and clearest way that the author has seen so far. So, this part especially the organization of the article is borrowed from it though not identical.
Evolution of portfolio value
Let represent the portfolio value at time
We hold shares of the stock at time
, and put the rest of money in
. Note that
is adapted to the natural filtration of
. Then, the change of portfolio value is the change in stock plus the interest from
satisfies the following SDE:
We plug Geometric Brownian motion into this equation,
The SDE of the discounted stock value

This equation says that discounting the stock price reduces the mean return rate from

Similarly, the SDE of the discounted portfolio value is
This equation says that the change in the discounted portfolio value is solely caused by the change in the discounted stock price.
Evolution of option value
Let denote the value of (European) call option at time
when the stock price
, i.e.
, where
is the strike (contract price to buy stock at maturity). Though
is a deterministic function,
has randomness.
The SDE of the discounted call option value is
Equating portfolio and call option values
To hedge the risk of offering the call option, we hold
a portfolio of equal value at all time . That is equating the portfolio evolution and the call option evolution.
It yields
The first equation in (7) is called the delta hedging rule. It says that the number of shares to hold at time

Suppose we could solve the second PDE in (??) with some proper boundary condition. At we sell the option at price
. We create a portfolio using this amount of money (
) following the delta hedging rule, then the risk of selling the call option is hedged.
We are seeking a continuous solution to the Black-Scholes-Merton partial differential equation
with terminal condition