
  • Implied Volatility

Option price in the Black-Scholes-Merton formula can be seen as a function of volatility \sigma if interest rate r and strike price K are known. Market quote of option price gives the volatility which is called implied volatility. Market convention is annualized volatility.

  • Realized Volatility

Observing the prices of a stock every day in a year, we can compute the realized volatility.

Suppose the stock price follows geometric Brownian Motion, i.e.,

    \[S(t)=S_0e^{\alpha-\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2t + \sigma W(t)},\]

where W(t) is the standard Brownian Motion, and time t takes year as unit.

Then, for n=1,2, \ldots, 251, the number of stock trading days of NYSE in a year.

    \[\frac{S_{n}}{S_{n-1}} = e^{\frac{\sigma^2}{251}+\sigma\left(W\left(\frac{n}{251}\right)-W\left(\frac{n-1}{251}\right)\right)} \overset{\sD}{=} e^{\frac{\sigma^2}{251}}e^{\sigma W\left(\frac{1}{251}\right)}.\]

    \[\log(\frac{S_{n}}{S_{n-1}}) = \frac{\sigma^2}{251} + \sigma W\left(\frac{1}{251}\right)\]


    \[\sigma = \sqrt{251 \cdot \mbox{imperical variance}{\log(\frac{S_{n}}{S_{n-1}})}}.\]

Sometimes, people use \log(x)\sim x-1 near x=1. In this case,

    \[\sigma = \sqrt{251 \cdot \mbox{imperical variance}{\frac{S_{n}}{S_{n-1}}}}.\]